Walk around the castle town of Izushi, the “Little Kyoto” of Tajima, with a private guide. Enjoy a backyard tour of Eirakukan, the oldest theater in the Kinki region.

歴 芸 築 味 宿 景
17-2 Izushicho yanagi, Toyooka, Hyogo

Take a walk around one of the top castle towns in the Kinki region with a private guide and explore sites such as the Izushi Castle ruins surrounded by greenery, the town’s iconic Shinkoro Clock Tower, etc. You will also go on a tour of Eirakukan, the oldest theater in the Kinki region, including its backyard.
*The schedule for the day will be decided upon further consultation.


・Backyard tour of Eirakukan, the last playhouse in the Kinki region
・Stroll through the Izushi traditional architecture preservation district with a concierge
・Experience trying on a kimono that matches the atmosphere of Izushi


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